If you are experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19 you require an appointment to get tested.

Book an appointment through:

  • Your doctor
  • Hamilton Public Health Services at 905-974-9848, press 2

If you are unsure, contact Telehealth Ontario at 1-866-797-0000

You should also self-isolate, which means:

  • Do not leave your home.
  • Only leave your home or see other people for critical reasons (i.e., a medical emergency).Do not have anyone come into your home unless it is essential (i.e., a care provider).
  • If you require assistance, access services over the phone, online, or ask for help from friends, family and or neighbours.
  • Avoid people:
    • older than 65 years of age
    • with a chronic medical condition (i.e., diabetes, heart and/or lung disease, cancer)
    • with a weak immune system

Self-isolation instructions

If you are having difficulty breathing or experiencing other severe symptoms, call 911 immediately.

You can stop self-isolating 14 days after your symptoms began AND when you have been symptom-free (i.e., feeling well) for at least 24 hours, or as directed by Public Health Services.


COVID-19 test for children – Video transcript

Hi my name is Lisa. I’m a Child Life Specialist and it’s my job to help you feel more comfortable when you come to the hospital for a test.

You probably know there’s a virus going around right now called COVID-19 that is making some people sick.

People who get this virus can have a fever or cough and feel achy and tired.

We need to do a test to see if it’s COVID-19 that is making you feel sick.

Once the doctors know what’s making you feel sick, we can make a plan to help you feel better.

This is Nicole. She’s a nurse at BC Children’s Hospital.

She’s going to show you everything you need to know about how we do a test for COVID-19.

Hi there. First I always put on protective clothing like a mask, plastic eye shield, and yellow gown, to keep everyone safe from germs.

For your test you might sit on your mom or dad’s lap. Unless you’re a big kid. Then you might sit on a chair or exam table.

I’ll need to put this small swab into your nose. Can you see how skinny it is? It’s specially designed to check for a virus that might be way at the back of your nose.

You’ll need to hold your chin up so the swab can reach the back of your nose. Mom, dad or another grown-up might need to help you keep still during your test.

You might like to plan what you want to do with your hands. Some kids like to hold a squishy ball or their favourite stuffed animal. Or you might like to hold your parent’s hands.

I’ll need to measure from your nose to your ear, to know how far the swab needs to go inside.

By the time you count slowly to five the test should be over. One, two, three, four, five. That’s it!

Some kids say their eyes water and their nose feels warm or tingly when they have this test, kind of like when you get water up your nose or when you drink a really fizzy drink.

And just so you know, having the test doesn’t mean you have the virus. We may call your parents later with the test results.

Thank you for helping us find out why you’re feeling sick.