Empowering Patients, Driving Research
Research is a big part of how we improve care at Hamilton Health Sciences (HHS). That’s why we have introduced Explore Research, a new approach to recruiting patients for clinical trials and studies.
Starting February 24, 2025, all new patients will automatically be included in Explore Research. Existing patients will be opted in at their next appointment or visit at any HHS site.
What is Explore Research?
This initiative allows HHS Research teams to screen patient records to identify and contact patients who are eligible for research studies, unless the patient chooses to opt out. Researchers must first obtain Research Ethics Board approval to use Explore Research for a study before contacting patients. Only then can researchers contact patients to gauge their interest in learning more.
This change means patients are automatically registered to be potentially contacted about research opportunities if they are appropriate for them. It’s important to know that you are not automatically enrolled in any study – it only means that you may be contacted if you’re eligible for one.
Benefits of Explore Research
As one of Canada’s top ten research hospitals, HHS is committed to inclusive research recruitment practices. Explore Research is designed to strengthen our reputation as a leading academic hospital while providing patients access to innovative treatments. This initiative offers numerous benefits, including:
- Empowering patients to control their involvement in research
- Increasing the diversity and representation in research participation
- Improving access to research for a wider range of individuals
- Ensuring equitable access to information about research studies
Empowering Patient Choice
You may choose to opt out of being contacted at any time which will not impact the care you would otherwise receive. Patients can opt out via MyChart, at patient registration, by contacting their clinical team, or by emailing exploreresearch@hhsc.ca.
Enrollment in a study will only occur with a patient’s explicit consent. You do not have to join a study if you don’t want to. You’re in control of your involvement, and if a study seems right for you, you may have the opportunity to access treatments that wouldn’t otherwise be available.
Protecting Patient Privacy
HHS remains committed to protecting the confidentiality and security of patients’ personal health information (PHI). Only authorized research personnel and circle of care members can access PHI for research recruitment purposes. Enrollment in any study does not occur without the explicit consent of patients. Patients will always have the option to opt-out of learning about or participating in a study. Find out more about privacy here.
Frequently Asked Questions
No. Both new and existing patients will be opted in to be contacted about relevant research opportunities. New patients will be opted in when they first register at HHS while existing patients will be opted in at their next encounter with our hospital. Yes. As a leading academic learning hospital that integrates research into our clinical and educational practices, HHS is joining other hospitals across Canada in this approach to advance more inclusive research practices. Previously, the circle of care team was responsible for introducing research opportunities to patients to determine their interest in learning more about a specific study. Now, all patients will have the chance to be informed about relevant research opportunities and are empowered to choose their level of participation. No. The opt-out approach complements traditional recruitment methods, such as direct referrals from the patient’s care team and clinical outreach. HHS will implement the new opt-out approach for research recruitment starting February 24, 2025 across all HHS sites. No. Patients will only be enrolled in Explore Research so that they can be contacted about research opportunities. They are not enrolled in any research studies without their explicit consent. This approach protects the patient’s right to choose which studies to consider. While opting out does not affect the standard care patients receive at HHS, it does limit their inclusion in the broader pool of potential research participants. However, these patients may still be approached about research opportunities through their circle of care team. This means that while their opportunities are more limited, they are not excluded from all research possibilities at HHS. If a patient opts out, their preference is recorded in our hospital information system and researchers won’t contact them about relevant research studies. Additionally, patients opt out of having their health records screened for eligibility by researchers. However, they may still be approached about suitable research opportunities directly by their care team. Yes, patients can change their status to be contacted via MyChart. HHS staff and physicians are also able to update a patient’s preferences with consent of the patient. The Explore Research program relies on the implied consent of our patients. HHS remains committed to protecting the confidentiality and security of patients’ personal health information (PHI). Only authorized research personnel and circle of care members can access PHI for research recruitment purposes. Enrollment in any study does not occur without the explicit consent of patients. Patients will always have the option to opt-out of learning about or participating in a study. Pediatric patients are under the care of their parent or guardian. Therefore, the decision to opt out or receive information about research opportunities will be up to the parent or guardian together with the pediatric patient, whose involvement in the decision should be proportionate with their capacity and circumstances. Patients are asked if they’re interested in learning about relevant studies and can choose to decline or learn more about the study. In addition to the circle of care team, researchers will have access to patient information in our hospital information system. Both members of the circle of care team and authorized research personnel may contact patients about research opportunities. If you do not wish to be contacted about potential research studies related to your health, you can update your preferences within your MyChart account. Follow this step-by-step illustration to change your Explore Research contact preference.Are only new patients opted in to Explore Research?
Are other hospitals using the opt-out approach for research recruitment?
How does this differ from our previous approach?
Does this new method replace traditional research recruitment?
When will HHS start the opt-out approach?
Are patients automatically enrolled in studies?
Are there any drawbacks to patients opting out of research contact?
What happens if a patient opts out?
Can patients update their preference after opting out of being contacted?
Will this impact patient privacy?
How does the opt-out approach impact pediatric patients?
What happens when patients are contacted by research personnel?
Who will access patient information and contact patients about research opportunities?
How do I opt out of Explore Research?
Still Have Questions?
If you have any questions or concerns, please speak with your health-care provider or email exploreresearch@hhsc.ca.