Tag: child-and-youth-mental-health
Questions about Your Kids Q & A
1 Hour Drop- In Virtual Session: Participants can drop in during the hour session to ask questions about any parenting...
Emotions in Motion
1 Hour Virtual Session: This introductory workshop focuses on understanding and responding to big emotions in children and youth. Participants...
Managing School Refusal
1 Hour Virtual Session: This workshop offers participants essential insights into school refusal behaviours, helping them identify the signs and...
Managing Big Behaviours
1 Hour Virtual Session: This workshop will explore the underlying causes of big behaviours, while providing practical strategies to address...
Nurturing Growth Through Guided Imagery
1 Hour Virtual Session: This introductory workshop supports participants in developing a deeper understanding of what guided imagery is and...
Supporting My Child/Youth on their Mental Health Journey
1 Hour Virtual Session: This workshop invites participants to learn about their child or youth’s mental health journey and how...
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