Tag: hamilton-general-hospital

Heart failure patient recovers at home thanks to a Canadian first at HHS
“It felt like an elephant was sitting on my chest.” That’s how Hamilton resident Peg Kelly describes chest pressure she...

A tiny device has a huge impact for severely injured patients
The region’s most gravely injured patients have a better chance of survival thanks to a tiny device that’s now part...

Passion for the arts leads to career in burn research
Given that creativity and imagination drive leading-edge research, it’s no wonder Graham Rix found his calling working at Hamilton Health...

From roots to research in advancing burn care and treatment
Fadi Khalaf was a toddler living in Iraq with his family when U.S. forces invaded in 2003. In search of...

Revving up older patients’ metabolism could be the key to healing from severe burns
Older patients suffering a severe burn are at a much higher risk of dying than younger patients with the same...

HHS study could revolutionize care worldwide for patients with extensive burns
Patients with extensive, deep burns are among the sickest people in hospital, with survivors experiencing long-term side effects like disfigurement...
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