COVID-19 Update: Mark Preece Family House
The following memo was released to families who are guests of the Mark Preece Family House (MPFH) on March 13.
To: All Guest Families
From: Kim Prince, Executive Director
Re: Corona Virus and COVID 19
Date: March 13, 2020
The Corona Virus and COVID 19 has been declared a global pandemic by the World Health Organization and the Mark Preece Family House (MPFH) Board of Directors has determined that it is our primary responsibility as an organization to protect families, staff and volunteers. The best way to do this, at this time, is to shut down operations.
Out of an abundance of concern for the safety of our guest families, volunteers and staff, the Board of Directors of the Mark Preece Family House have decided to temporarily close down operations, effective immediately. This means all families currently staying at the House are asked to leave immediately.
We, as staff, will work with families to help with the transition, either to return home or to find alternate accommodations.
We trust you understand this was not an easy decision to make. The MPFH has made it with the best interests and safety of everyone in mind and in keeping with best practices of other operations having direct contact with the public and with high-risk populations such as the sick in hospital.
Hamilton area hospitals will be implementing changes to their own high-risk protocols that will affect visitors etc. Please check with the hospital for an update on how this affects your own situation.
Please stay safe!
191 Barton Street East, Hamilton, ON, L8L 2W7
905-529-0770 (phone) 905-529-9955 (fax) info@markpreecehouse.ca
Charity BN/Registration: 86700 9615 RR0001