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December 17, 2020

Adding our voice for lockdown measures

Today, on behalf of patients and healthcare workers, we are adding our voice to the Ontario Hospital Association’s call for further decisive action by the Government of Ontario regarding lockdown measures.

Every possible policy measure to avoid a crisis should now be invoked to assure safe access to care for patients and protect staff and physicians working in hospital and community care settings.

COVID infections and hospitalizations are rising rapidly and show no signs of abating.

Hospitals teams are trying to address surgical and procedural backlogs from the past several months. They are also supporting residents in other community settings.

As a result, our staffing levels are being significantly challenged and are precarious.

The expected surge of infections post-holiday, combined with the known rise in seasonal illness we see annually at this time of year is adding grave cause for concern.

Our hospital workforce and systems were not designed to manage these sustained pressures.

As hospitals prepare to cancel care at the direction of the province, it is imperative all measures are taken to reduce community transmission.


Rob MacIsaac
President & CEO
Hamilton Health Sciences

Melissa Farrell
St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton

Dr. David McNeil
President & CEO
Brant Community Healthcare System

Eric Vandewall
President & CEO
Joseph Brant Hospital

Sharon Moore
Interim President & CEO
Haldimand War Memorial Hospital

Lynne Pay
Hotel Dieu Shaver Health and
Rehabilitation Centre

Lucy Bonanno
President & CEO
Norfolk General Hospital and
West Haldimand General Hospital