Medical-grade masks required when visiting Hamilton Health Sciences’ hospitals
Cloth masks will no longer be permitted at Hamilton Health Sciences’ (HHS) hospitals starting Wednesday, December 2. The change is being made to keep staff, patients and visitors safe as cases across the community continue to increase.
Patients and visitors will be asked to remove any mask or face covering they might be wearing when they enter our hospitals and will be required to put on a medical-grade mask given to them by screeners. Current masking exemptions for pediatric patients and for patients with allergies or other medical reasons will remain in effect.
This change also applies to external service providers including delivery personnel, contractors and construction workers. They will be required to wear a medical-grade mask that is either provided by their own employer or given to them at an HHS entrance screening station.
For the latest updates on visiting guidelines at our hospitals, please visit the COVID-19 section of our website.