Introducing… a procurement and supply chain director
David Lacourt is the Director of Procurement and Supply Chain at King West. He has worked at Hamilton Health Sciences for one and a half years.
What do you love most about your job?
I am very passionate about the important role an effective and efficient end-to-end Procurement & Supply Chain program plays in supporting Hamilton Health Science’s Vision, Mission, and Core Values. Exploring and developing new and innovative ways to deliver our service in an ever changing and complex environment is exciting and challenging.
It brings me great satisfaction that all goods and services are acquired through a open, fair and transparent process to achieve maximum value for money and in compliance with all provincial and federal legislation and trade agreements. In very simple terms, my team is responsible for ensuring the right product, equipment, or service is available at the right time, at the right place, and at the best overall value.
“I take great pride in knowing that on a strategic level, my Procurement & Supply Chain team supports HHS in achieving best patient care outcomes.”
I take great pride in knowing that on a strategic level, my Procurement & Supply Chain team supports HHS in achieving best patient care outcomes by developing effective strategic sourcing and contract management strategies, and by driving collaboration opportunities between HHS’s internal key stakeholders and our external strategic vendor partners.
What do you eat to keep you energized at work?
I usually try to stick with something healthy like a nutritious smoothie, but when that just can’t sustain me I will tend to reach for anything that will provide me with that extra burst of energy.
When you tell people what you do, how do they usually react?
It depends on whether I am telling someone internal or external to HHS. An example of someone internal could be…“So you are the folks I need to contact when I need to procure something or discuss anything to do with the timely availability of goods and services.” An example of a response from someone external to HHS could be…“So tell me how my business can become a contracted supplier to HHS.”
Tell us about your most gratifying experience at HHS?
Although still very new to HHS, one of the most gratifying experiences I have had to date has been a review of the results and feedback I received on my VIEW 360 feedback survey from some members of my team, some peers, and my manager. This process has provided me with confirmation that I am making a difference and the transformation of the Procurement & Supply Chain department that is currently underway is having a positive impact.