The Poplar St. parking lot at the Juravinski Cancer Centre is closed from June 3 to September 27. Click here for more info.

Hamilton Health Sciences Home
West Lincoln Memorial Hospital exterior
July 10, 2019

Renovation timelines for WLMH

Our doctors and staff have developed a plan to address required safety standards and keep services in the community to the greatest extent possible.

  • Beginning August 6th – the obstetrical area will be renovated to include a sterile storage space. During this time, the obstetrical service will be redirected for several weeks. The service will return immediately after the work is complete.
  • August 10-12 – one of the operating rooms will be converted to sterile storage. The other operating room will continue to be used to accommodate planned surgeries, including scheduled caesarean sections.

Our health care team will share details with any patients whose care plan is affected.

At this time, for expectant parents, when you go into labour, please call the WLMH obstetrics department at 905-945-2253 ext. 350 and you will receive instructions from the obstetrics team. You will be informed if there is any change to this process.

The emergency department and other services, including outpatient clinics, will continue as normal.

Thank you to our community for your patience as this important work is completed.