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Hamilton Health Sciences Home
March 12, 2018

Introducing… a senior talent management specialist

Marc Goral is a senior talent management specialist within the human resources department. He’s been with Hamilton Health Sciences (HHS) for one year where he focuses on enhancing the employee experience at all our sites.

What do you love most about your role?

My role involves leading projects and programs to help our staff and physicians have an enjoyable experience while they’re at work. These include various recognition and engagement initiatives. Whether you’re a nurse, doctor, social worker, IT specialist or a porter, I love working to create a great place for our people to work.

What do you find challenging?

HHS is a complex organization with many different roles and responsibilities within a broad network of hospitals, ambulatory services and healthcare programs. Designing programs that fit with the variety of areas within HHS takes some collaboration and creativity. For me, that’s what makes this role so interesting and rewarding.

Describe a typical day

Lately, my days are spent analyzing the results of our employee engagement survey, called the My Voice Matters Survey. Since the fall, it’s been a whirlwind of activity from planning to launch to the roll-out of the results. I work with a talented team on the project, developing a survey strategy to measure topics that impact people’s experience at HHS. Most of the work is behind the scenes but the effort our staff and physicians put into responding to the survey is key to its success. We’re also planning ahead to find ways we can use the results of the survey to help inform organizational initiatives, as well as help teams use the results to make improvements to their area. We’re looking forward to sharing the results with our people.

Designing programs that fit with the variety of areas within HHS takes some collaboration and creativity. That’s what makes this role so interesting and rewarding.

Tell us about your most gratifying experience at HHS

Working on the My Voice Matters Survey over the past few months has been very gratifying. For this project, I’ve had the chance to collaborate with many people in both clinical and non-clinical areas. There are so many amazing employees and physicians here at HHS, and it’s been a privilege to bring people together to work on this survey.

What’s one thing people would be surprised to learn about your role?

Even though my role isn’t a patient-facing role, everything we do in talent management is about enabling and supporting the leaders and teams who deliver exceptional care. I love that I get to play a supportive role in the exceptional work that happens here.