Superheroes celebrate Halloween with MacKids
Spider-Man and Batman rappelled down the exterior of McMaster Children’s Hospital (MCH) on October 17. Black Panther was also seen posing for photos as Mr. Incredible chatted with Captain America.
The party at MCH was a hit with patients and families as the front lobby was transformed into the ultimate Halloween celebration.
High-spirited fun
Spirit Halloween generously donated new costumes for patients and their siblings, who enjoyed dressing up as ghoulish ghosts, beautiful princesses and fearless superheroes. More than 100 patients and siblings from MCH and Ron Joyce Children’s Health Centre signed up for the celebrations, which included face painting, pumpkin decorating and many other fun activities.
The big surprise of the evening came when participants were invited outside to watch members of the Hamilton Police Service Emergency Response Unit rappel down the front of the building dressed as comic-book crimefighters. The crowd went wild to the sight of these real heroes in action.
“We are extremely grateful to Spirit Halloween and the Hamilton Police for making this special evening possible,” says Parker Neale, the senior business and community engagement development officer at McMaster Children’s Hospital Foundation. “This is an inspiring way to bring the community together and put smiles on the faces of patients during their journey.”
Supporting Child Life
Spirit Halloween’s Spirit of Children campaign supports the Child Life program at MCH by collecting donations at store locations throughout south-central Ontario. Nearly $170,000 has been raised since the Foundation began participating in the program two years ago.
“Supporting the amazing work done by the Child Life team at MCH is a matter of pride for us.”
“The communities we serve are extremely generous and we are very thankful,” says Tracy Akitt, the clinical leader of Child Life at MCH. “The support of Spirit Halloween and their customers helps to supplement the programs and activities we offer, which makes a real difference for children and families.”
Caring for Communities
Staff at Spirit Halloween stores across the region eagerly await the Spirit of Children campaign each year and are excited to begin their fundraising for such a worthwhile cause.
“Supporting the amazing work done by the Child Life team at MCH is a matter of pride for us,” says Dave Kerr, the operations manager at Spirit Halloween. “Children are our future and we are committed to caring for our communities.”