Tag: behavioural-health-unit

Moments of music, companionship, and compassion
Jinnie Yang is a student at McMaster University who began volunteering at Hamilton Health Sciences’ St. Peter’s Hospital (SPH) in...

Recreation therapists help patients living with dementia feel seen, heard, valued
Hamilton Health Sciences (HHS) patient Brent Alton doesn’t recall a lot about his former life as a police officer and...

Dynamic duo volunteer at St. Peter’s Hospital
Marie and Murray Neath are welcomed fixtures at St. Peter’s Hospital. When they aren’t watching T.V., playing computer games, crocheting,...

Introducing… a behavioural health recreation therapist
Jean Riley is a recreation therapist at St. Peter’s Hospital. She has worked at Hamilton Health Sciences for 25 years,...

Robotic pets delight patients with dementia
Patients at St. Peter's Hospital are now benefitting from a new type of pet therapy. The process isn't all that different, but the pets are. They're robotic...

Embrace the value of volunteers
There are over 1000 volunteers that provide over 200 services across Hamilton Health Sciences (HHS). Since volunteers are an integral...
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