Tag: concussion

WSIB Specialty Programs find permanent home at HHS
When a workplace injury makes returning to the job especially challenging, Hamilton Health Sciences (HHS) health-care professionals are here to...

Chronic concussion? There’s an app for that
An innovative new app being developed at Hamilton Health Sciences could revolutionize care for people with chronic concussion symptoms. The...

Sunglasses help brain injury patients
Light sensitivity is a common outcome from brain injuries but staff came up with a way to mitigate...

Concussion: An officer’s story
When Kaleigh Friday, a Hamilton Police officer, was hit by another car on the job, she walked away unscathed. Or, so she thought.

Introducing… a community intervention coordinator
An acquired brain injury can alter a person’s life much like an earthquake...

Concussion: Recognize the symptoms
By: Dr. Jennifer Thompson, emergency physician, Hamilton Health Sciences What is a concussion? A concussion is a brain injury that...
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