Tag: geras

Congratulations to the 2024 HHS DRIVE Spark winners
Three teams of innovators with connections to Hamilton Health Sciences (HHS) received 2024 DRIVE Spark funding grants from the hospital...

Frailty scores could be at docs’ fingertips
HHS geriatrician leads project to build frailty scores into hospital information system The ever-growing amount of information added daily to...

Made-in-Hamilton app helps clinicians and researchers measure frailty
A new made-in-Hamilton app is helping researchers and health-care providers measure frailty and function in older adults. Frailty is a...

Preventing dementia through leading edge e-learning
Thousands of Canadians are flocking to a free e-learning lesson developed by Hamilton Health Sciences (HHS) psychiatrist and researcher Dr....

Former HHS nurse advocates for people living with dementia
Phyllis Fehr spent her career in nursing, caring for Hamilton Health Sciences (HHS) patients at Juravinski Hospital, McMaster University Medical...

HHS doctor encourages older adults to stay active, connected and safe
In celebration of Seniors Month in June, the Regional Geriatric Program Central invited Hamilton Health Sciences (HHS) geriatric specialist Dr....
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