Tag: our-healthy-future
‘Beam-ing’ with excitement
WLMH Foundation celebrates new hospital with beam-signing event Dr. Joan Bellaire figures she signs her name at least 1,000 times...
Hamilton Health Sciences starting process to find new West Lincoln Memorial Hospital construction team
The redevelopment of West Lincoln Memorial Hospital (WLMH) is taking another step forward as Infrastructure Ontario and Hamilton Health Sciences...
WLMH rebuild planning team hits ground running
And we’re off! It was a packed meeting room at West Lincoln Memorial Hospital (WLMH) on Thursday afternoon with staff,...
A healthcare vision for Hamilton’s future
Planning for the next 20 years is complex, to say the least. But with the best thinking of our staff and physicians, our community partners and the people we serve...
Health care in the digital age
By Mark Farrow, chief information officer & VP of Health Information Technology Services It is hard to remember a time...
Hospitals and health care for the next generation
By Rob MacIsaac, President & CEO With all the celebrations for Canada’s 150th anniversary underway, it’s interesting to note that...
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