Updated COVID Vaccination Management Policy
Effective November 30, 2021, Hamilton Health Sciences (HHS) will require all staff and physicians to be fully vaccinated for COVID-19, subject only to limited exemptions. This approach is consistent with other Ontario organizations, including hospitals that have also implemented mandatory vaccination policies.
The November 30, 2021 deadline gives all unvaccinated and partially-vaccinated individuals a last chance to receive first and/or second doses. After that time, individuals who are not in compliance with our mandatory vaccination policy will be subject to disciplinary measures up to and including dismissal.
As a leading health science organization, HHS has a responsibility to safeguard the wellbeing of patients, its workforce, and the communities we serve, from the threat of COVID-19. Vaccines are the best tool to help bring the pandemic to an end.
Since early September, HHS’ COVID-19 Vaccination Management Policy requires all staff and physicians to report their vaccination status. As of October 5, 2021, 97 per cent of HHS staff and physicians have reported their vaccination status. Of these, 92 per cent or over 11,750 individuals, are fully vaccinated.
We are now taking action to ensure compliance with that part of the policy. Starting this week, individuals who have not reported their vaccination status and those who are not complying with education and self-testing requirements, will be subject to disciplinary measures, including unpaid leave(s) of absence and/or dismissal.
We are committed to achieving our goal that everyone at HHS who can receive the COVID vaccine, be vaccinated.