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Visitor at screening desk putting on a mask
June 24, 2020

Reintroducing visitors to inpatient units

Due to the changing situation with the coronavirus (COVID-19), Hamilton Health Sciences is taking special precautions to keep our patients, caregivers and staff safe.

In March, Hamilton Health Sciences (HHS) implemented a no-visitor policy with some very limited exceptions, after the province strongly recommended that acute care settings only allow essential visitors as a means of reducing the spread of COVID-19.

Changes to visiting guidelines now in effect

Effective June 24, we are implementing a staged approach to reintroducing visitors into our hospital. The changes acknowledge the important active role that family members and caregivers have in supporting the well being of patients. The changes are also balanced with the need to keep everyone in our hospitals safe.

  • For inpatients: One family member/caregiver may be at the bedside at one time; however, up to two family members/caregivers can be identified by the patient or substitute decision maker to visit on designated days. The care team will help establish the schedule for visiting.
  • For outpatient services / ambulatory care: Ambulatory Care patients are not permitted to have a family member/caregiver accompany them at this time, with some exceptions for: cancer outpatients, paediatric and child and youth mental health patients, patients scheduled for obstetrical ultrasound and diagnostic imaging requiring sedation, and patients for whom we cannot provide safe care or for whom treatment would not progress without a family member present.

These guidelines are subject to change at any time. This is a challenging time for all of us and it is very important that instructions always be followed and respected.

Please read details about the updated guidelines on the COVID section of our website.

Help keep our hospital safe

It’s your responsibility when you are in the hospital to help keep our hospital safe.

  • All visitors must be screened before entering the hospital.
  • Visitors must use designated entrances (Go to hamiltonhealthsciences.ca/covid19 for entrance locations).
  • Masks will be supplied at the entrances. They must be worn at all times in the hospital.
  • Please practice good respiratory etiquette and hand hygiene when entering and leaving the hospital and entering and leaving the hospital unit.
  • Please practice physical distancing in all public areas.
  • You may visit only the designated patient and once you leave the unit and/or hospital, you cannot re-enter until the next designated visiting day.

If you have any questions, please contact your care team or Patient Experience at patientexperience@HHSC.CA.

For further detailed information please ask your health care team. Thank you for your cooperation as we work together to keep patients, families and staff safe.