Tag: dr-nikhil-pai
Introducing… a research coordinator
Jelena Popov is a research coordinator through the McMaster Children’s Hospital pediatric gastroenterology clinic, studying the role of fecal transplants...
Helping kids with chronic disease be kids
Bennett Walkinshaw is a typical six year old boy, full of energy. He’s quite the character and will have you...
Ask the expert: Crohn’s and colitis FAQ
Dr. Nikhil Pai, pediatric gastroenterologist & Jelena Popov, pediatric gastroenterology research coordinator What is the difference between Crohn’s disease...
Groundbreaking Hamilton study looking at fecal transplants to treat irritable bowel disease in kids
Hamilton researchers are conducting a ground-breaking new trial looking at fecal transplants to help treat inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in...
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