Tag: amputation

Socks Off! campaign starts July 17 to reduce diabetes-related foot amputations in lower Hamilton
HAMILTON, ON – Hamilton Health Sciences (HHS) together with the Greater Hamilton Health Network (GHHN) will be launching a Socks...

Score! Paralympian a role model for young cancer, amputee patients
Brantford is famous for being the birthplace of hockey great Wayne Gretzky, but there’s another powerhouse player from town who...

Virtual reality games make rehab fun for amputee patients
Lyndyl Smith isn’t the sporty type. “My favourite pastimes are reading, calligraphy and spending time with friends,” says the 21-year-old...

Imaging technology for the heart guides procedure to save HHS patient’s leg
Earlier this month, physicians at Hamilton Health Sciences saved a man’s leg by using a procedure normally reserved for looking...

Amputee dad walks daughter down the aisle
After his leg was amputated, Rainer's dream of walking his daughter down the aisle at her wedding seemed almost impossible...

An honour to care for him: Celebrating our veterans
As soon as he was able John Brown has worn the scars of World War II on his body for...
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