Zoe is enjoying her bottle while technologist Cindy Thompson is applying the electrodes on Zoe’s scalp. Video EEG will help the team determine whether Zoe still gets subtle seizures.
Over two millions Canadians live with epilespy, a physical condition characterized by sudden, brief changes in how the brain works.
Chemical and electrical signals are sent through the brain and central nervous system. Epilepsy can cause sudden spikes in electrical discharge that might end up in a seizure. The area of the brain that has this spike in activity will determine what happens during a seizure. A seizure can encompass a wide variety of forms like muscle spasms, blank stare, convulsions, uncontrolled movements and altered awareness.
At Hamilton Health Sciences, our pediatric patients are treated at the Pediatric Epilepsy Program (CPEP) at McMaster Children’s Hospital and adults are assessed at our Neuro-Ambulatory Centre at Hamilton General Hospital.
In this Up Close photo series, we have a look at the process that patients go through to discover what is happening in their brain and the staff that help treat them.
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