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Child & Youth Mental Health

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Are you in crisis? Get help now with these resources.

The Child and Youth Mental Health Program (CYMHP) provides a range of intensive and time-sensitive services for children, youth and families who are dealing with mental health concerns. The well-being of the children, youth and families we serve is our primary concern.

As a patient with our program, you/your child will work closely with a dedicated team of health professionals.

Together, we will:

  • assess your child’s mental health needs
  • plan the care and services that best meet your child’s needs
  • help determine what level of care is needed
  • work together to plan your child’s care
  • help and empower you to make decisions and take part in your child’s care
  • give your family information and support
  • provide encouragement to ask questions about your child’s care

We look forward to working with you and your child.

The care you receive will be:

  • compassionate
  • personalized
  • focused on you and your family
  • based on current research evidence and guidelines for best care

Compassion and caring is at the core of the services we provide. We believe that children, youth, families and staff are doing the best they can with the skills they have and we work together to make things better.

We want to hear from you! If you have used our mental health services, please share your experience with us.

Submit your feedback to our Patient Experience team.

Report Card

The Child and Youth Mental Health program assesses the mental health needs of all children and youth in the program by asking youth and their families to complete a standard questionnaire before their first visit. The information collected helps our staff determine the type of care that is needed. To better understand the challenges children, youth and families in our community are experiencing, we review the information collected from youth and families annually and create an annual Report Card. This report card gives us a glimpse into the people we care for, their experiences and what brought them to our program to help us better understand and plan our services.

View the 2023 report

2022 report card
2021 report card
2020 report card
2019 report card