Free Workshops
At McMaster Children’s Hospital, there are many resources available to patients and families.
Free Courses and Workshops Offered by MCH
McMaster Children’s Hospital provides educational courses and skills training workshops to the community on a variety of topics, including parenting, child development and child and youth mental health concerns. Programs are available for children, youth and caregivers, and are held regularly at locations across the Greater Hamilton Area. All programs are free, but do require registration. Search our course offerings and register online.
Growing Together Guide (including community courses and workshops)
Many of our course offerings are also included in our Growing Together Guide. This guide is printed seasonally and distributed to partners in our community. Within it, you will also find courses organized by our local partners.
Family Library
The Family Resource Centre is a full service lending library located on the main floor of Ron Joyce Children’s Health Centre.
About the library
The library is available to patients, families, staff and the community. It has hundreds of books, DVDs and brochures on a variety of topics such as medical conditions, child and youth related issues and parenting.
Books can be borrowed for 4 weeks and DVDs can be borrowed for 2 weeks. You can easily renew the books and DVDs by coming into the centre or by calling or emailing.
There are also many online resources that provide up to date information. Staff can guide you to relevant, current and reliable resources.
Public computer internet access is available up to one hour per visit. Staff at the Family Resource Centre can help you to find the information and resources you are looking for. They can have information packages ready for you to pick up or emailed to you, if possible.
The Family Resource Centre provides the following:
• lending library
• online resources
• information packages based on family/clinician requests
• four (4) public access computers
• teen lounge
• navigation to community agencies and groups
Location and contact
We are always looking for new resources for the Family Resource Centre. If you have a resource that you would like to recommend, please let us know.
Ron Joyce Children’s Health Centre
325 Wellington St N
Hamilton ON L8L 0A4
Level 1
Call: 905-521-2100 ext. 77243
Open Monday to Friday
Family Resource Centre hours: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Staff hours: 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m
COVID-19 Vaccines for Children & Youth
Experts at McMaster Children’s Hospital encourage parents and guardians to get their children vaccinated against COVID-19.
Explore resources from our experts to help you make an informed decision.
Caring during COVID-19 - Video Series
Healthcare providers from McMaster Children’s Hospital created more than 30 video resources for families to access during the pandemic. The motivation behind this series was to support children and their families during a time of change. Most videos were originally created when learning was moved online in early 2020, but the topics remain relevant today. Learn about improving your family’s mental and physical health during the pandemic and some practical tips for caregivers. Watch.
Youth Suicide Prevention - Video Series
This video series was created for caregivers of youth with mental health concerns. We understand that much of this information is not ‘common sense’ and can be a lot to take in and remember, especially if it’s been presented during a time of intense emotion or mental health crisis. Watch.
Back to School - Video Series
During the transition back to school, we’ve enlisted the help of McMaster Children’s Hospital staff and doctors to share some practical information to support families. Our experts have created some informal videos for you to use as a resource. Topics include vaccinations, managing return to school anxiety, how to make friends, healthy eating habits, bullying, screen time, and more. Watch.
Healthy Recipes - Video Series
The Children’s Exercise and Nutrition Centre at MCH has partnered with Meant2Prevent, a type 2 diabetes prevention initiative for youth, to create healthy and delicious recipes you can try at home. Watch the videos and follow along!
The other side of COVID-19
Pandemic safety measures have had a negative impact on some aspects of children’s and teens’ health. Follow our series to learn more and take action.
Recorded Webinars
Handouts & Helpful Links
Self-care tips for Parents
Giving your Child Tools for a Healthy Life
Positive Parenting Tips
Positive Parenting Tips – Arabic
Why Won’t They Listen: Tips for talking to your children
Why won’t they listen – Arabic
Why won’t they listen – Urdu
Positive parenting – Urdu
Listen tips: Child, part 1 – Kurdish
Listen tips: Child, part 2 – Kurdish
Positive parenting – Korean
Listen tips: Child – Korean
Listen tips – Spanish
Positive parenting – Spanish
Listen tips: Child – Vietnamese
Positive parenting – Vietnamese
Child & Youth Poverty Toolkit – Hamilton Region
Fact Sheet: Common Mental Health Myths and Misconceptions
Legal Services
Pro Bono Ontario (PBO) is a free legal service provided through Ron Joyce Children’s Health Centre for patients and families of McMaster Children’s Hospital referred by clinical staff. It combines the efforts of clinicians and lawyers in the pursuit of better child health outcomes.
The project helps low and moderate income patients and families deal with legal challenges that impact the patient’s health and/or the family’s capacity to care for their sick child, addressing the social determinants of health. For example, parents losing employment because they are caring for a sick child; health related housing issues; special education; benefits related to child’s health; immigration, etc. (does not deal with complaints about MCH or staff of MCH).
For all PBLO consultation needs, call the PBO Hotline @ 1-855-255-7256. For further information please visit the PBO website.