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Pediatric Complex Care Unit

The Pediatric Complex Care Unit cares for infants and children ages 0- 18 who have medically complex care needs. Five criteria are used to determine whether your child will stay on the Complex Care Unit:

  • the type of technology they require
  • fragility of their condition
  • chronic nature of their condition
  • complexity of care required
  • geography

Care We Provide

Our areas of expertise include:

  • Tracheostomy care and support
  • G-tube feeding

Becoming a Patient

Patients are admitted after being assessed and treated in the Pediatric Emergency Department.

Patients are admitted through a referral from their Family Doctor or Pediatrician to the Complex Care Clinic if they meet criteria outlined by Complex Care for Kids Ontario (CCKO).

What to Expect

You are welcome to bring in personal items for your child such as favorite toys, books, music and activities. Remember to bring any personal equipment items (i.e. tracheostomy kit, seats, chairs, tracheostomy kit), current medications, medication list and any specialty feeds. This will facilitate transition while we plan care.

Expect that the hospital stay will be longer than a few days.

Visiting is 24 hours. You may choose a few people to visit your child. Visitors must come with a parent or guardian. Your child may have a total of 2 people in the room at a time during the daytime, and we recommend only 1 parent or caregiver to sleep at the bedside overnight. If you are not feeling well, talk to your child’s nurse. You can decide together the best thing to do.

People who are special to you may visit anytime, however, because sleep is so important for recovery, we suggest limiting visitors after 9 p.m. If you wish to restrict visitors, please let us know.

Visitors must be in good health. We do this to protect the children from getting sick. Your children, family members and visitors should not visit if they have any of these problems:

  • A rash, itchy skin or infection on the skin or hands
  • A cold or runny nose
  • Diarrhea (loose or watery bowel movements) for at least 48 hours
  • Vomiting (throwing up)
  • Fever
  • Recent exposure to someone with chicken pox, measles or the flu

Family-Centered Care

The care we provide reflects what matters most to our patients and families. We will:


  • Get to know you and your family and treat you with dignity and respect
  • Communicate with you and your family about your child’s care
  • Update you on your child’s progress


  • Ensure you understand the health concerns about your child
  • Partner with you in decisions about your child’s care
  • Help you take part in your child’s care
  • Plan next steps in your child’s care together


  • Respond promptly when you or your family need help
  • Include persons who are important to you in your child’s care
  • Provide convenient, accessible, child-friendly and welcoming environment
  • Seek and respond to your family’s comments about our care

Family Life: Individual care plans are developed for each infant/child. Your participation and planning care, schedules and support needs are important in helping us meet your child’s needs.

White board communication tools are available in every room to help patients and families stay connected with the health care team.

Getting reading for Discharge: Discharge planning is based on the individual care plans and requires participation, education and training for caregivers at home.

Team Members

  • Child Life Specialist
  • Clinical Nurse Specialist
  • Dietitian
  • Music Therapist
  • Nurse Practitioner
  • Occupational Therapist
  • Physicians
  • Physiotherapist
  • Respiratory Technologists
  • Social Worker
  • Speech Language Pathologist


How will I learn to care for my child’s tracheostomy?

Detailed hands on education and training will be provided to you and other key people.

Do I need CPR training?

If your child is going home with a tracheostomy two people must have CPR training.


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1200 Main Street West, Hamilton, ON, Canada