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Hamilton Health Sciences Home

Autism Services

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Found 18 Results

To inquire about or register for a service, email or call 905-521-2100 ext. 78972

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Clinic Appointment

Behaviour Communication Life Skills Play & Leisure Social

Meet with a clinician to address a concern about your child’s behaviour or discuss a specific skill you’d like your child to develop.  You will receive individualized tips and strategies for building skills and reducing challenging behaviours.

  • Age Group Grade 1-4, Grade 5-8, Highschool, Preschool and Kindergarten
  • Service Type Consultation
  • LevelA, B, C
  • Includes

    1-hour appointment, available in-person or virtually.

  • DateFlexible
  • CostNo cost

Comprehensive Psychological Assessment

Custom Mental Health

Comprehensive psychological assessments are used to investigate complex behavioural presentations that may include all or some combination of cognitive, learning, and/or social, emotional, and behavioural difficulties.  These difficulties are significantly impairing your child’s ability to cope and navigate life successfully.  These assessments may be used to make a decision as to whether their challenges can be accounted for by additional diagnoses including neurodevelopmental disorders (eg. Intellectual Disorder, Special Learning Disorder) and/or mental health disorders (eg. anxiety, mood, obsessive-compulsive disorders).  Recommendations are made to inform treatment planning and enable access to appropriate supports at school, home, and in the community.


  • Age Group Grade 1-4, Grade 5-8, Highschool
  • Service Type Psychological Services
  • LevelA,B,C
  • Includes
    • Clinical interview
    • Behavioural observation
    • Completion of standardized testing and questionnaires
    • Feedback session
    • Written report
    • Available in-person or virtually – please be advised that some aspects of the assessment will need to take place in-person.
  • DateFlexible
  • Cost$4,700
    Please note that OAP Core Clinical Funding may be used for this type of assessment, and some Extended Health plans cover psychological services.

Facing Your Fears


Facing Your Fears is a group-based cognitive behavioural therapy program for kids 8-14 years old who are struggling with anxiety. The goal is to help your child develop coping strategies to manage anxiety, and to provide you as a parent/caregiver with the understanding of the nature of your child’s difficulties and with strategies to help. Participating in the group requires that one parent/caregiver (the same one each week) and your child attend all sessions. This program is co-facilitated and supervised by a Registered Psychologist. A screening will be completed in order to determine whether this group is clinically appropriate. Parents/caregivers who are interested should contact us by July 31st to book a screening appointment.

  • Age Group Grade 5-8
  • Service Type Fee-Based Services, Group Programs
  • LevelC
  • Includes

    • 12 weekly 90-minute sessions for parents/caregivers and children
    • Parent/caregiver and child workbooks and materials
    • Virtual Service
    • Register by July 31, 2024

  • DateProgram to begin Fall 2024
    Dates and times to be determined
  • Cost$4,000

Helping Your Child Manage Change

Behaviour Life Skills

This workshop will provide you with strategies to increase your child’s flexibility. You’ll learn how to break down challenging situations and support your child with proactive planning, teaching them to accept change. This workshop is facilitated by a Behaviour Therapist who is a Board Certified Analyst.

  • Age Group Grade 1-4, Grade 5-8, Highschool, Preschool and Kindergarten
  • Service Type Parent and Caregiver Training
  • LevelA, B, C
  • Includes

    2-hour virtual workshop


  • DateMonday, June 24 from 12:00 - 2:00 p.m.
    Thursday, September 26 from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
  • CostNo cost

Mental Health Assessment

Mental Health

Mental health assessments are used to explore social, emotional, and behavioural difficulties that are causing significant concerns about your child.  These difficulties may also be getting in the way of your child’s ability to cope and navigate life successfully.  These assessments may be used to make a decision as to whether their mental health challenges can be accounted for by additional diagnoses such as anxiety, mood, or obsessive-compulsive disorders.  Recommendations are made to inform treatment planning and enable access to appropriate supports at school, home, and in the community.

  • Age Group Grade 1-4, Grade 5-8, Highschool
  • Service Type Consultation
  • LevelA, B, C
  • Includes
    • • Interview with parent/caregiver
      • Structured observations
      • Direct assessment techniques
      • Feedback session
      • Written report
      • Combination of in-person and virtual appointments
  • DateFlexible
  • Cost$1,900
    Please note that OAP Core Clinical Funding may be used for this type of assessment, and some Extended Health Benefits plans cover Psychological services.

Occupational Therapy

Life Skills

Following an assessment with an Occupational Therapist, these therapy sessions offer strategies to facilitate your child’s engagement and independence in their daily activities. You will learn how to apply these strategies to support your child’s development and participation in the identified goal areas of your occupational therapy assessment. Resources and materials will be provided to support practice at home. Recommendations by our OTs may include information related to location of therapy, number of hours, staffing levels, parent/caregiver involvement, and number of goals.

Cost will vary depending on service plan.

  • Age Group Grade 1-4, Grade 5-8, Highschool, Preschool and Kindergarten
  • Service Type Specialized Service Packages
  • LevelA,B,C
  • Includes
    • • OT therapy plan
      • Therapy sessions with child(ren) and caregiver(s)
      • Parent/caregiver training
      • Summary report
      • Available in-person or virtually
  • DateFlexible
  • Cost$195 per therapy hour
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