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Neurosurgery Clinic

This specialized clinic within McMaster Children’s Hospital provides consultation for surgical brain or spinal cord issues.

Our philosophy is family-centered care. We strive to provide the best care possible. Every six months we survey families to ask your perceptions of care.

What to Bring

  • Your child’s Health Card. The Ministry of Health and Long Term Care requires us to validate your health card at every clinic visit
  • Any relevant test results (e.g x-rays) or letters from your child’s doctor or pediatrician.
  • Any notes or questions that you may have.
  • List of current medications and allergies.

When you arrive, please check-in at the reception desk. The Business Clerk will register you in the electronic system so that your team will know that you have arrived.

Note: If your child is ill with any antibiotic resistant organism, MRSA, a communicable disease (such as Chicken Pox), or a respiratory infection, please notify reception staff prior to your scheduled appointment.


The Family Resource Library is located in the 3F clinic.  Volunteer staff are available to help families find information about their child’s health or illness.  Pamphlets, books, and resources on internet are available.

Referral Process

The referral process is made through a direct referral from a pediatrician or family doctor to a specialist. Referrals can be faxed directly to clinic.

Access the Pediatric Neurosurgery Referral Form here.

Urgent Referrals: The clinics are not for emergencies. If your child needs to be seen on an urgent basis, please contact your family doctor or go to your local emergency department.


McMaster University Medical Centre exterior

1200 Main Street West, Hamilton, ON, Canada