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Ophthalmology Clinic

The information found on this page is intended for patients and families. To find information for referring physicians, visit the Ophthalmology referrals page.

The Hogarth Family & Pioneer Energy Ophthalmology Centre is dedicated to providing the best care for all. This includes specialized medical and surgical eye care for children and adults. Our clinic provides comprehensive services for pediatric ophthalmology, retina and ocular genetics, glaucoma, and oculoplastics, and adult strabismus.

Our clinic is made up of dedicated and specialized health care team members. This includes Ophthalmologists, Certified Orthoptists, Ophthalmology Technicians, Child Life Specialists and Business Clerks.

What to Bring

  • Health Card: The Ministry of Health and Long Term Care requires us to validate your health card at every clinic visit
  • Glasses and/or contact lens and solutions and case
  • List of current medications and allergies
  • Any notes or questions you may have
  • Applicable test results/assessment reports available from other institutions

Patient Information

When should I arrive?

Plan to arrive 30 minutes before your scheduled appointment to allow time for parking, using elevators, locating the clinic, and registering.

What happens when I arrive?

When arriving at the clinic, please line up by our reception desk and wait for one of our business clerks to call you forward to register.

Why might my appointment take up to 3 hours?

  • You may need to be seen by several different team members during your clinic visit
  • Depending on your appointment, we may need to dilate your eyes to complete the exam. It can take up to 1 hour for eyes to be fully dilated
  • Every visit is different, some exams take longer than others
  • We often have to treat emergency patients throughout the day from within the hospital and the community

Did you know?

  • Our eye clinic has one of the shortest wait times for new referrals in the province
  • Our clinic will help over 100 patients per day which means on some days, the clinic can get very busy.
  • We also often have up to 4 eye clinics open at a time. You will be called according to the clinic you are visiting that day.

How do I change my appointment?

Please contact the clinic as soon as possible, if you need to re-schedule or cancel your appointment.

Interpreter Services

If you need an interpreter, please call the clinic before your appointment so we can arrange for an interpreter at no charge. Please give us at least 72 hours’ notice to find an interpreter for you.

Referral Process

Referrals are booked through a physician or optometrist office.

Click here to view information for referring physicians.

Urgent Referrals: This clinic is NOT a walk-in center. If you or your child needs to be seen on an urgent basis, please contact your family doctor or go to your local emergency department.


McMaster University Medical Centre exterior

1200 Main Street West, Hamilton, ON, Canada