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Pediatric Outpatient Burn Program

The McMaster Children’s Hospital outpatient burn clinic provides outpatient burns services for pediatric patients (0-17yrs) including:

  • Burn assessment and dressing changes
  • Splinting to help with healing
  • Burn garments for scar management

What to bring for your visit

For all appointments, please bring:

  • Your child’s Health Card. The Ministry of Health and Long Term Care requires us to validate your health card at every clinic visit
  • Pain medication that was prescribed to your child, such as morphine. Please administer this medication in the waiting room or ask to speak to a Burn Clinic staff member upon arrival to clinic if you are unsure
  • Any favorite toys or devices that may help distract your child during the dressing change procedure
  • Any questions or notes that you may have

Immediate burn first aid

For parents:

  • Remove all burned clothing and run the burn under cool, running water for at least 10 minutes or for as long as the child can tolerate it. Do not use ice or non-medical creams/ointments as this can worsen the injury
  • Call your Family Doctor or go to your nearest Emergency Department
  • TeleHealth Ontario is available at 1-866-797-0000 for advice

For Care Providers

  • For mild burns: apply a topical antimicrobial, a non-adherent dressing (e.g. petrolatum gauze) to open/burned areas, cover with dry gauze dressing and secure with rolled gauze.
  • For moderate/severe burns: please immediately send the child to the nearest Emergency Department

Members of the Burn Team

Plastic Surgeon
Assesses burns and collaborates with the team to determine the best burn treatment plan.

Burn Nurse
Assists with burn treatment and dressing change.

Child Life Specialist
Provides preparation and support to help the child with the clinic visit and dressing change. Assists with parent education on burn aftercare.

Occupational Therapist
Makes custom splint for child who may require a splint to help with their burn healing.

If sedation is required.

McMaster Children’s Hospital is a teaching hospital and includes Medical students and Residents as part of their education.

Referral Criteria

Referrals to the MCH Pediatric Burn clinic are to be made by a Physician or Nurse Practitioner.

Our goal is to see each patient for their initial appointment within 5 days of the referral. Referrals are faxed directly to the clinic at 905-521-2654.

Outpatient Pediatric Burn Clinic Referral Form.

If the child needs to be seen urgently, please contact your family doctor immediately or go to your nearest Emergency Department


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1200 Main Street West, Hamilton, ON, Canada