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Gastroenterology and Nutrition Clinic

Children requiring specialty care for problems related to digestive health and nutrition are seen within the Centre for Child and Youth Digestive Health. Our Centre, located in the 3E clinic, provides care to children from infancy to adolescence and serves a community of over 2.3 million people in South Central Ontario.

Care We Provide

  • Clinical assessment
  • Diagnostic treatment planning
  • Feeding assessments
  • Support and education
  • Telepractice for existing patients
  • The clinic has special interest and expertise in children and adolescents with inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn’s disease, and ulcertative colitis and liver disease

What to Expect

Please bring to each visit:

  • Your child’s Health Card. The Ministry of Health and Long Term Care requires us to validate your health card at every clinic visit.
  • Any relevant test results (x-rays) or letters from your child’s doctor or pediatrician.
  • Any notes or questions that you may have.
  • List of current medications and photos/bottles.
  • Activities for your child while they are waiting.

When you arrive, please check-in at the reception desk. The Business Clerk will register you in the electronic system so that your team will know that you have arrived.

Your first visit will be a consultation. On the day of your appointment, you can expect to be in the clinic for 2-3 hours.

Please contact the clinic as soon as possible if there is a need for an interpreter and what language is required. We will do our best to arrange this service for your appointment.

Note: If your child is unwell or has a communicable disease such as Chicken Pox or has been in contact with someone with Chicken Pox, please call the clinic before you come to the hospital.

Team Members

Our team includes doctors, nurses, nurse practitioners, dietitians, occupational therapy, social work, and child life specialists. Our team is strengthened by the connection with McMaster’s leading edge endoscopy, motility, and GI investigation services and the Francombe Family Digestive Disease Research Institute.


How long is the appointment wait list?

Your child’s symptoms will determine when an appointment is scheduled. If you have concerns about your child’s health, please contact your pediatrician or family doctor.

What happens if I need to reschedule or cancel my appointment?

Please call the clinic at 905-521-5013, press 1 and leave a message with your child’s name and their Ontario Health Card number.

Does my child need to attend every appointment?


Referral Process

The referral process is made through a direct referral from a pediatrician or family doctor to a specialist.

Referrals can be faxed directly to clinic.

3E Clinic referral form

A video for parents and physicians referring children with possible celiac disease

Making a referral for a child with possible celiac disease

Visit this page for referral information about the Pediatric GI Feeding and Swallowing Team.

Urgent Referrals: The clinics are not for emergencies. If your child needs to be seen on an urgent basis, please contact your family doctor or go to your local emergency department.


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1200 Main Street West, Hamilton, ON, Canada