Building Our Healthy Future

Hospital redevelopment

Rebuilding Juravinski Hospital

Rebuilding West Lincoln Memorial Hospital

Hamilton Health Sciences is on a journey to transform our oldest hospital buildings and ensure our services meet the needs of our patients and community, now and into the future.

Some of our hospital facilities are almost 100 years old. They were built to the standards of the day and no longer make sense for modern patient care. These spaces make it hard for our people to do their jobs and are far from what patients and families expect their care experience to be like.

Our community is growing, so our hospital needs to grow as well.

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Our Healthy Future

Our journey, called Our Healthy Future (OHF), started in 2015. Thousands of voices from across the hospital, community and regions that the hospital serves came together to let us know what was most important. We developed a plan which was approved by the provincial government in 2017.

Six years later, OHF continues to be a big part of our strategic plan. We are well on our way to rebuilding our aging facilities, with one project under construction and another approved to continue detailed planning.

This page has more information about these projects, our plan and how we are now Building Our Healthy Future to grow alongside our community, people and patients.

Current Projects

Use the tabs at the top of this page to see more detailed information about the Juravinski Hospital redevelopment plan and the West Lincoln Memorial Hospital new construction.