Our Performance

We’re committed to being transparent in how we’re performing as a healthcare organization. We’re constantly measuring and tracking our performance in a variety of areas, and we remain accountable to the communities we serve by reporting our performance publicly. Visit the links below to learn more about how we’re working to provide the best care possible.

Quality and Safety

We use several different tools to constantly improve the quality and safety of the care we provide, and we report our performance publicly as part of our commitment to being accountable to the communities we serve. Click to learn more about quality and safety at HHS.

Financial Accountability

Find financial information about executive compensation, hospital accountability agreements, financial reporting and information related to the Broader Public Sector Accountability Act (BPSA).

Environmental Performance

As one of our region’s largest employers, we have a responsibility to monitor and actively work toward reducing our environmental footprint. Our latest Environmental Report Infographic outlines the work we are doing to become more environmentally sustainable. Learn more on our Environmental Performance page.