There are many patient resources available to support you in your journey, including fact sheets on medications and procedures, links to community resources, clinic brochures, tai chi videos, and relaxation CDs. As always, your care team is available to point you in the right direction.
Michael G. DeGroote Pain Clinic General Information
Educational Handouts
- Acupuncture
- Fibromyalgia/Widespread Myofacial Pain
- Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
- Insomnia and sleep tips
- Pain and sexuality
- Brain diagram
- Fitness in everyday life
- Self-Talk: Our Mind & Body Work Together
- Self-Talk: Changing the Mind Chatter
- Using Self-Talk to Manage Pain
- Realistic Self-Talk
- Yoga in the Pain Clinic
- Relaxation Class
- Anger and Chronic Pain
- The Ways We Communicate
- Assertiveness Worksheet
- Stress Management and Relaxation
- Stress: A natural survival mechanism
- Goal Setting
- Pacing and Activity
- Activity Education
- Science of Pain
- Dealing With Flare-Ups
- Body Awareness
- Grief & Loss
- Relaxation log
- Simple thought record
Informational Brochures
Community Links
Canadian Academy of Pain Management
Chronic Pain Association of Canada
College of Occupational Therapists of Ontario
College of Pharmacists of Ontario
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario
College of Physiotherapists of Ontario
College of Psychologists of Ontario
Financial Services Commission of Ontario (FSCO)
Ontario College of Social Workers
Tai Chi Videos
Disclaimer: These videos do not replace physiotherapy or exercises prescribed by your Medical Physician. These videos do not replace nor should you interpret it as medical advice. Talk to your Physician before starting this or any other exercise program. These videos were created, and intended for individuals who have attended the Michael G. DeGroote Pain Clinic and performed these Tai Chi forms under the supervision of our instructor. Do not do exercises that are beyond your fitness or ability level. Have someone with you for the first few exercises sessions. Stop an exercise if it causes pain or too much discomfort. Seek medical attention if pain or discomfort persists. Never ignore or delay seeking medical advice because of anything said or done in these videos. There are risk in any exercise program. Hamilton Health Sciences and the Michael G. DeGroote Pain Clinic are not responsible or liable for any harm, loss, medical problems or other consequences you may suffer or cause resulting for the use of these videos or reliance of information provided in these videos.
Yoga for Pain
Relaxation CDs
Relaxation training and practice is a regular part of the Michael G. DeGroote Pain Clinic’s Group Programs and it enjoys great popularity among our patients. You can download our CDs for FREE by clicking the links below.
Relaxation CDs are available to our patients upon request. Please ask your Pain Clinic provider.
Session One: This is a fifteen minute exercise to learn how to deeply relax. By Dr. Brian Kirsh, M.D. Length: 15:15
Session Two: Enjoy time for you while you combine techniques, deep breathing, visualization, and body scanning to lead you to a deep state of relaxation. By Ms. Kathleen Gallagher. Length: 22:53
Relaxing And Re-energizing General Body Relaxation: You will be guided through deep relaxation from head to toe in order to feel more rested, energetic, and alert afterwards. By Dr. Eleni G. Hapidou. Length: 26:31
Visualization Relaxation: You will relax deeply, experience vivid images, and drift into peacefulness and tranquility. By Dr. Eleni G. Hapidou. Length: 34:58
Using mindfulness meditation techniques, the mind can become calm and peaceful. In this CD, there are three original short meditative relaxation sessions that will help you achieve deep states of calmness, stillness, balance and peace. You will relax your body and mind, you will contemplate and be present with your thoughts, and you will even visualize goals and achievements. Enjoy!
Mindfulness Meditation 1. By Dr. Eleni G. Hapidou. Length: 16:30
Mindfulness Meditation 2. By Dr. Eleni G. Hapidou. Length: 8:28
Creative Visualization. By Dr. Eleni G. Hapidou. Length: 16:30
Discography Lumbar
Sacroiliac Joint Injection
Lumbar Sympathetic Block for Lower Extremity
Lumbar Radiofrequency Ablation
Lumbar Medial Branch Block
Lumbar Facet Injection
Lumbar ESI Transforaminal
Lumbar ESI Selective Nerve Root Block
Lumbar ESI Lyssis of Adhesions
Lumbar ESI Interlaminar
Lumbar ESI Caudal