Autoinflammatory Clinic

The Autoinflammatory Clinic is a comprehensive care clinic for children and their families with rare autoinflammatory diseases. Our multidisciplinary team includes physicians from immunology and pediatric rheumatology. Initial clinic visits are for consultation, with patients and families then followed as needed.

For more information, visit the Rheumatology Clinic page for patients and families.

Patients/Conditions To Refer

Patients of any age with recurrent fevers without an obvious infectious source should be referred to the clinic for further assessment. The fevers are often accompanied by other other symptoms that may include ocular, oropharyngeal, gastrointestinal, dermatologic, musculoskeletal, and neurologic manifestations and are always accompanied by a systemic inflammatory response on bloodwork (i.e. elevated CRP and/or ESR).


Referral & Contact Information


Phone: 905-521-2100 ext. 75382

Fax: 905-521-5056

There is no specific referral form.

Assessment Options

  • In-person visits
  • Virtual consultations