This clinic is led by Dr. Belostotsky, and is specialized in the diagnosis and treatment of kidney stones in children. As opposed to adults, children have a higher percentage of underlying metabolic abnormalities leading to stone formation and damage to the kidneys over time. This clinic specializes in detection and correction of these metabolic abnormalities, to prevent further stone formation in the future.
For more information, visit the Nephrology page for patients and families.
Patients/Conditions To Refer
- Children with kidney stones on ultrasound
- Children with nephrocalcinosis on ultrasound
- Children with a family history of kidney stones and chronic kidney disease
Referral & Contact Information
Phone: 905-521-2100 ext. 78517
Fax: 905-521-5056
Our patients are seen on a consultative basis. Thus a referral is required from a physician. There is no specific clinic referral form.
Assessment Options
- In-person visits
- Virtual consultations